Добро пожаловать в «Uniting for Ukrainian Kids»

Together Ministry с гордостью представляет программу «Uniting for Ukrainian Kids» — инициативу, которая изменит жизнь и призвана принести надежду, исцеление и светлое будущее тысячам детей в Украине, пострадавших в результате войны с Россией.

Принять ребёнка

Как мы помогаем

Сотрудничая с сострадательными семьями по всему миру, мы предоставляем этим детям уникальную возможность пройти духовную и социальную реабилитацию и заново раскрыть свой потенциал.

Program Description

What We Do
Our program provides support to Ukrainian children and families affected by the war with Russia.

Why We Do It
Our goal is to help children overcome their trauma, learn new skills, and rebuild their lives.

How We Do It
We offer a range of activities, including art therapy, sports, and outdoor education, to help children process their experiences and gain new perspectives.

Our vision is to rescue and provide a safe haven for war orphans affected by Russia's war in Ukraine, who have lost their families and homes to violence and unrest.

We strive to offer these children a holistic healing process, including emotional, physical, and mental recovery in a nurturing environment that promotes restoration and growth.

Join Us

We invite you to join us in our mission to make a differencein the lives of these children. With your support, we canwork together to break the cycle of violence, foster hope,and create a world where every child can thrive.